Karen of Karen's Colorful Creations was picked by Lucky to win her birthday giveaway. I will be mailing this out soon, Congrats Karen.
Yankee Sticher is OK in OK
Stitching obsessed, or at least stitching stash obsessed. Sharing the little I manage to stitch, with those whom share the same obsessions. Always looking for a neat stitching technique or finish, a fun stitching retreat or camp, or just a new stitching adventure.
Wednesday, May 08, 2013
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Stitching away from home
That's right, I have so much to tell you and show you that I am going to have 2 postings today.
First I will start with last weeks stitching trip. Six of us met in Tulsa to spend a few days stitching and shopping. Although a little chilly on our first day there the rest of the weekend was beautiful.
Below is just a few of the things that we had going.
First I will start with last weeks stitching trip. Six of us met in Tulsa to spend a few days stitching and shopping. Although a little chilly on our first day there the rest of the weekend was beautiful.
Below is just a few of the things that we had going.
Linda worked on a second Christmas stocking for her Grandson. Here they both are, although the pic isn't very detailed these stockings really are.
Elaine brought this fun piece she had just finished, but I didn't catch who the designer was. She spent most of her time on a beautiful Art Stitch design.
Elaine worked on this Cedar Hill design as well as a Nancy's Needle counted thread piece that was just amazing.
Wanda and Rebecca were both diligent stitchers but I wasn't so diligent about my picture taking so I didn't get their things photographed. Wanda was working on a large Deb Bee's counted thread design on a bright yellow canvas. Rebecca, stitched a fun halloween cat design that she came very close to finishing. It was on this great purple overdyed linen.
So what did I do you ask? Well nothing nearly as dramatic as the others but I did have a couple of finishes.
Firstly, I finished up the Friends piece from Jeannette Douglas designs.
I even purchased a frame for this while out shopping. Secondly was the Woman's work design from Valentine Stitchery that I got a small start on before I got there. It fits into a premade frame that holds a note pad saying "...is never done"
This one gave me a little trouble when it didn't match up at the bottom, but Wanda spotted my error quickly and I was able to unstitch and get it right. In fact the blasted frog hit all of us at some point in the weekend, some more than once. It had to be the frog not all the talking and stash sharing that was going on.
Oh wait, there is a thirdly. I actually started and finished this little counted thread design from Hand Blessings.
Then there was shopping. I didn't hold back much on that. Here is a pic of the main items, but there was also a couple of vera bradley things and lots of threads for other projects to come. Some fabric for a couple of patterns I purchased online recently and little giftie items.
The Valdani threads in this pic are for Quaker Diamonds which I have had for a while and now I just need fabric. I will also have to finish the big piece I just started on our weekend. It is not really much of a start but it was a goal to get it basted on the scroll rods and make a start. Now I can leave it out to work on at home.
The fabric is actually moonglow a nice yellowy cream color so the pic is terrible. This will be the Blessings and Grace pineapple house blessing from Glendon Place that I have mentioned starting several times. It is stitched on 28ct over 2 with 1 strand of Simple Wool thread from Gentle Arts. So far I love working with the thread. It is so soft and not itchy like wool at all.
One more weekend photo.
This was to be a weekend door prize as I had all 4 parts to the series, but it turned into a group round robin. So I have to go find fabric and get the first part complete and pass it on. A couple in the group will share a part so that we all have a hand in it. Maybe this can be a tradition and everyone can pick a series they like for us to stitch as a group. After a few dozen retreat weekends we could each have our own round robin pieces to display at home an remind us of these fun trips.
Where to next time gals?
Saturday, April 27, 2013
2 of 2 and a Giveaway too.
OK, so back from my stitching weekend and other than unpacking all my new goodies and catching up at work not much stitching was happened. But I did manage to get out and do a little more shopping.
This time I got a few clothes and even this great new purse.
DS posed to show how much hail accumulated in the corner of the house. (sorry so blurry it was dark out)
This time I got a few clothes and even this great new purse.
I don't know why but I love the color.
After shopping I met up with my son for dinner and then the sky opened up. The hail was intense and lasted for a while. Here are pics from my yard after we managed to get back home.
out the front door, all the dark green on top is the leaves that were ripped of my tree.
DS posed to show how much hail accumulated in the corner of the house. (sorry so blurry it was dark out)
My backyard was completely covered by hail. It looked like snow. Crazy spring weather.
The bad part is that my car was parked at the restaurant during all this and is now covered in hail damage. Ugh! It is only two years old and I loved this car. It will never be the same.
Just to end on a happier note. Here is a pic of my Lucky girl. When another blogger mentioned celebrating her puppies 5th birthday I thought Lucky should have a birthday to celebrate. Just because she was adopted and we don't really know it, shouldn't matter. So Lucky will be celebrating her 5th birthday (the vets guess) on May 1st.
I am going to celebrate Lucky's big day by having my first giveaway. It is this great Trail Creek Farms pillow kit. "Please and Thank You" and comes with all the buttons and bows needed to finish it off. You would have to supply the fabric and thread to stitch the design. But who knows what else may finds it's way into this giveaway package. (my little frog friend is only assisting in the picture taking and is not part of this give away).
Just leave a comment and I will include you in the drawing to be held on Lucky's birthday May 1st.
Good Luck, CJ in OK
Thursday, April 18, 2013
A Whole Month?
That's right, a whole month flew by without a post. My goal was to post once a week, so I will try to get back to that. But I was stitching some in that month.
I finished this fun springy Baltimore quilt inspired piece called Sylvania by Summer House stitche workes. I had just started it on my last post. Not sure how I will finish it up, but it was a fun easy stitch.
I also made good progress on this Friends piece by Jeannette Douglas. In fact I have quite a bit more done than this picture shows, only the over one "Friends" left to stitch, so I will wait to show you a new pic when it is finished.
The next two pics are my latest stash acquisitions. Both online orders for things I just couldn't resist and even a couple pieces of fabric with no real plans in mind.
I finished this fun springy Baltimore quilt inspired piece called Sylvania by Summer House stitche workes. I had just started it on my last post. Not sure how I will finish it up, but it was a fun easy stitch.
I also made good progress on this Friends piece by Jeannette Douglas. In fact I have quite a bit more done than this picture shows, only the over one "Friends" left to stitch, so I will wait to show you a new pic when it is finished.
The next two pics are my latest stash acquisitions. Both online orders for things I just couldn't resist and even a couple pieces of fabric with no real plans in mind.
The chart called Corona is another in the same series as the Sylvania piece I just finished, so I will probably start it as soon as I get the fabric. The Needleworker that several of you have already stitched, I am thinking of doing it over one because I found the perfect little cut of fabric in my stash, but we'll see.
I am on vacation for a few days and will be heading out to meet friends in Tulsa, just to stitch and shop for 4 days. Oh and there will be eating and chatting in abundance as well.
DS will be holding down the fort and take care of my little Lucky while I am off gallivanting. I have to take advantage because he will soon be headed for a place of his own and I won't have him right here to take care of everything when I am away.
I will pass on all my updates when I get home Monday, hoping for a couple of finishes, one I started that I haven't even shown you yet. And my big start will be the Pineapple Welcome from Glendon Place that I have had ready and waiting for a while. Hope everyone has a great weekend with at least a little stitch time.
Talk to you soon,
CJ in OK
Sunday, March 17, 2013
St Patrick's Day
Happy St Patrick's Day
You know all that time we spend reviewing the patterns and collecting the threads, choosing and rechoosing a fabric that will work in both size and color. All of this is really a big part of the fun of cross stitching. Of course I always get side tracked by having to put away all the things from the last finished project. Ironing and planning the finishing work.
All of this is to explain why I have so little to show from my weekend devoted to cross stitch.
I did get a start on a new project from Summer House stitche workes called Sylvania, which is part of A Baltimore Bride series. I have ordered part two and thought I had better get going on this before the next one arrives. This is very simple with only three DMC colors to work with 2 over 2, but it has a very spring feel and was all in shades of green so very appropriate for today.
Spring is most definitely on the way the birds have been visiting even the little finches. They even let me hold the door open to get this picture, although they rushed off when I try to get a little closer.
I will give you one more look at the peacocks before I cut it apart to finish. I completed the little pin pillow stitching which I think will be cute. It will make a tiny biscornu about the size of a quarter. I read through all the finishing instructions and will give it all a try next weekend.
The final project only made it to the getting ready stage. It's from Jeannette Douglas Designs and is called Celtic Friend. She made it a challenge to figure out since all she gave was the DMC numbers and supplied the threads in the kit along with the charm and beads. It is very hard to know which color is which when all you have is numbers and a clump of threads. So I had to go find all the colors in my stash and then mark which threads are which by using this little thread palette. Not hard just time consuming. I think it will be worth it later, I like that a lot of this is blackwork.
Will update you on my progress soon, CJ in OK
Sunday, March 10, 2013
2 Finishes and 1 Start
Well this is rare for me. I actually have two finishes and only one new start. I am sure I will remedy that in no time. But first things first.
Faster than I had expected I have "Red Border Study II" from Heron House Designs completed. This was very fun, and once I decided to make it my "at home" main project it went really quickly.
The framed one on the right, as you can see, is the one I did some time ago that I found in a magazine. They offered the part II as a companion piece you could order. I have never liked the framing on this one, a DIY project of mine. So I am looking forward to having them both framed to match. Some day, there will be one for each of my children's homes.
With this finish I was able to get started, a little, on the La-D-Da piece for my dentist called "My Pocket"

This is being done on the 35ct Weeks Dye Works linen called Tin Roof, over 2 with one strand of Needlepoint Inc. silk, as called for on the pattern.
Finally, it's no surprise I finished up "A Little Easter" designed by Lizzie*Kate, since it was very close to finished last weekend. This was fun and I am really going to try and finish-finish this up before this Easter. Maybe a box or flat fold finish, we'll see.
I also have a few other "Little" designs from Lizzie*Kate so I may try to fit them all in this year. They are fun little projects and come with the fabric and button.
Now, I have no reason not to get started on my Pineapple Welcome project from Glendon Place. So I may try to get a real start on that by next Friday and Saturday, if none of the new things I ordered don't sidetrack me. Yes, that's right, I ordered a few new things. I just couldn't resist, Lizzie*Kate's a Needleworker for one. I will share them all when they arrive next week.
Talk to you again soon, until then, Happy Stitching.
CJ in OK
Faster than I had expected I have "Red Border Study II" from Heron House Designs completed. This was very fun, and once I decided to make it my "at home" main project it went really quickly.
The framed one on the right, as you can see, is the one I did some time ago that I found in a magazine. They offered the part II as a companion piece you could order. I have never liked the framing on this one, a DIY project of mine. So I am looking forward to having them both framed to match. Some day, there will be one for each of my children's homes.
With this finish I was able to get started, a little, on the La-D-Da piece for my dentist called "My Pocket"

This is being done on the 35ct Weeks Dye Works linen called Tin Roof, over 2 with one strand of Needlepoint Inc. silk, as called for on the pattern.
Finally, it's no surprise I finished up "A Little Easter" designed by Lizzie*Kate, since it was very close to finished last weekend. This was fun and I am really going to try and finish-finish this up before this Easter. Maybe a box or flat fold finish, we'll see.
I also have a few other "Little" designs from Lizzie*Kate so I may try to fit them all in this year. They are fun little projects and come with the fabric and button.
Now, I have no reason not to get started on my Pineapple Welcome project from Glendon Place. So I may try to get a real start on that by next Friday and Saturday, if none of the new things I ordered don't sidetrack me. Yes, that's right, I ordered a few new things. I just couldn't resist, Lizzie*Kate's a Needleworker for one. I will share them all when they arrive next week.
Talk to you again soon, until then, Happy Stitching.
CJ in OK
Friday, March 01, 2013
What's New
This is a Little Easter from Lizzie Kate or will be when it is finished. I got this started to stitch on Tuesday evenings with friends but I couldn't seem to get there with weather and schedules so I picked it up a few times just for fun. Should have it finished soon. Those checks will have legs and beaks next time and the flowers will have vines to connect them.
Here is what's up with my Border Study in Red II.
I made it past the numbers and will be starting the Assisi section right after this squiggly row. I am having so much fun with this. The ilets slowed me up some but so will this Assisi section so it may be a couple of weeks for another update on this.
Lastly is the Peacock and you would think it would be all put together by now but I decided to stitch a little pin pillow to go with it. It will be shaped like the center flower at the top but twice as big and using all the colors from the peacocks. But here it is before any of that gets started. I just couldn't waste that fabric you know.
The silks for the La-D-Da smile design are in so I will be starting that this weekend. Will be back to update you sometime next week.
And if I didn't say so before I just love reading and seeing all your blog posts. They keep me going and I try to post comments to as many as I can fit in. Everything is so pretty and creative. All of you have such grand plans, so I will stay tuned.
Happy Stitching CJ in OK
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